Monday, August 15, 2011

He's a man. Of character.

Life and age has been good to Clooney,
as he continues to top the charts
of most desirable males decade after decade..
I was looking through old family photos the other day. And it struck me how some people look better as they age; they age with grace. While others just age.
My father, in my opinion, looked much more handsome in his older days than when he was babyfaced in his twenties - because his personality was literally drawn on his face. There is something very appealing about people who adhere to the laws of nature instead of fighting them and hanging on to the end of the curtains like a desperate cat.
Cindy in her late forties 
embodies the concept of 
strong mind in a strong body.
The same goes for a lot of celebrities: George Clooney, Sean Connery, Cindy Crawford and Sophia Loren, to mention a few, that have managed to grow older gracefully. The wisdom of their choices in life show in the lines on their face. I am convinced this has to do with the fact, that when people grow old, you can see immediately what they are about. It is as if they wear their personality on their sleeve, so to speak. All their traits and values show as lines on their face; if they have lived pessimistic, bitter and envious lives; those lines will be deeply ingrained in their aging face - ultimately pushing people away from them before they even utter a word, because it is obvious now for the eye that these are not values one wants to be around.
When they were young, they could hide them with make-up and gel in their hair; barely knowing who they themselves were underneath it all.
In stark contrast to those who have lived lives driven by (com)passion, a certain amount of healthy ambition, drive to excel and, yes, some tears and pain will show too, but it is a sense of real life - that there is a genuine human being who has lived a life that is rich and colorful.

I find that incredibly attractive - there is so much wisdom and unpretentiousness. Everything old people have been through show up on their face. I think every human being is drawn to that visible honesty about life. I think it is a primitive, basic instinct, whether we a conscious about its appeal or not. We can pretend that beauty can be bought for money; and every ugly trace can be erased. But it is not that easy. The most valuable - and ultimately beautiful - things in life are, indeed, priceless.
And hiding something is never attractive.

Sophia Loren - class is timeless.

But one can only grow old with grace if one chooses to live a life that is rich and based on clean-cut values. So, the choice is yours.  And it is now.

It is every breath you take.
Every step you make.
It is now.
It is one thing you cannot control.
So very fragile.
Grab it while it is there.

Sean Connery's values in life now show as lines on his face.
Imagine the disgrace, had he been another victim of botox.
His timeless attraction lies in his personality now showing on his face. 

And that, makes him ageless.

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