Monday, August 29, 2011

The Key To Be: A Magnet.

"Love is a state of being not a state of feeling. It goes well beyond the realm of the emotions. It's an attitude of benevolence and kindness towards all creation, including one's self, at all times and under all circumstances. Love is the most powerful magnetic force in the universe."
- Carnelian Sage, Author of The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World

One of my friends whom I absolutely adore, although she is somewhat nuts, illustrates this quote perfectly. And as I happened to read this quote the other day, it dawned upon me why she has this magnetic pull to her: She lives in a constant state of love which spreads to the people around her. And that is just amazing.

A lot of us think we are loving - but in fact our dire need for others' love is not loving; rather it is demanding and exhausting. We tend to live our lives centered around our own needs and what other people can do for us to feel that we are worthy, that we are indeed loved.
Unfortunately, it is incredibly exhausting to be around people who constantly seek others' approval because they feel so worthless in their own skin. This form of attention seeking is based on egocentricity and narrow-mindedness; not genuine love for others and oneself. No, it is neediness, self-loath and vanity thinly disguised as something you might like to think of as love, but it is not and never will be.

Learn to love yourself, and to be in that state - it is incredibly attractive and has such a magnetic pull to it when people are in a state of love - which is in fact a way of being, not a feeling attached to humans. Once you love yourself unconditionally, you let other people off the hook of trying to heighten your self-esteem; a need no human will ever be able to fulfill.

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