Friday, June 24, 2011

The Essence of LifeStylism: Narcissistic Autonomy.

Now what is this term, veering on the edge of pretentiousness, really a cover for?

The word lifestylism seems to have found its roots in anarchist literature. The Nutrition Doctor uses it as a medical doctrine related to healthy living from a holistic perspective incorporating body, mind & soul. It is not about promoting a narcissistic isolated focus only on you; it is impossible to live a fulfilling, sustainable life without engaging the people around us. 

While the debate about 'lifestylism vs. social activism' has been raging all around us, many people have missed the simple fact that there is no 'unbridgable chasm' between the two ideas. In fact, they are meaningless without one another. Engaging in social activism without changing your lifestyle to fit with your revolutionary principals makes one a hypocrite. Similarly, to try to live in a revolutionary way, while not engaging in social activism leaves one only further alienated.

The Nutrition Doctor is your LifeStylist.
Your lifestyle should be a manifestation of your values. If you care about animal rights then your lifestyle should reflect this by you fighting for animals. If you care about your children's health, then you should set an example and take care of your own body. Actions speak louder than words is the key to understand the term lifestylism, and why this overlooked behavioral approach to coaching is the only way to successfully reach your goals in life. Forget the one way monologue couch sessions at your shrink's - you need to evaluate, assess and come up with an action plan with a partner in order to style your life the way you want it.
Say NO to more endless venting sessions ending in loads of talk, but absolutely no action and impact.
Say YES to your personal LifeStylist. Download Meet Your LifeStylist here!

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