Thursday, June 23, 2011

In Search of. Freedom.

Are you free?

Do you even know what it means to be free...

It is that feeling, when you wake up in the morning with the sunlight streaming down on your face and you breathe... you hear the birds chirping outside. For no particular reason do they sing; they are just happy to be.

It is that feeling, when you run barefoot along the sand, running through the white foam as the waves break on the beach.

It is that feeling, when you curl up in the window and watch life from far below, mesmerized by the pace.

It is that feeling when you walk deep beneath the oak trees and only hear the breaking of branches beneath you.

It is that feeling, when nothing matters yet everything does.

It is when everything just is, when you judge nothing - life flows and blows through you like the summer breeze caressing your skin.

You have everything you need. You are carefree and yet you care.
Life matters yet your worries are insignificant in the grande scheme of life.

That is freedom.
That is happiness.
And that is what every human aims for in life.

Freedom is when you let go of the chains of your past.
Freedom is when you judge nothing, and you let no one judge you.
Freedom is holding on to nothing, owning nothing.
Freedom is being in that very moment.
Free of the chains of your past.

You just decide to let go. 
Nothing can harm you but your own thoughts and fears.
No one has the power to chain you, except you.

And you are free to be whatever you want to be. Whenever you want to be.
You just make that decision; that NOW is the time. This time is forever.

That life changing decision and how to make it, is what your LifeStylist can help you with.
It is a basic need, yet so difficult to master the skill-set needed and thus so profound that you get help to achieve it in order to find happiness and gain freedom in life.

Don't allow yourself to stay chained to your past like a prisoner sentenced to life.
Contact your LifeStylist to break the habit of being you!

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