Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Makes A Rockstar.

There is something fascinating about something that is fragile, and yet does not attempt to hide its fragility.
As if unaware by its limitations; unaware of any physical boundaries.
It will aim for the sun and fly so high to see whether its wings are strong enough.
While all eyes await whether this one will be struck by Nemesis.
Can it persevere, or will it commit Hubris and burn up and die?

I believe there are no boundaries but those you yourself set in your mind.
I believe you are whatever you think you are.
I believe that everything you put out there somehow ends up on your plate sooner or later.
I believe that happiness is right around the next corner, if you just dare remove the blindfold and take a step into the unknown, out of your comfort-zone.

I believe that whatever you believe in, that is your truth. And in the end that is all you have, and all that matters.

You will live your life according to your belief system.
You will behave according to how you believe you should.
You will allow other people to treat you according to what you believe you are worthy of.

Are you worthy of being loved

Every living creature deserves unconditional love, but if you take a look around how most people are slowly self-destructing this reflects a deep-rooted belief that they are not worthy of love (so they think). That makes me very sad - it is very painful to witness humans reinforce their own sick self-perceptions and hatred by subconsciously behaving in ways that provoke others to treat them like dirt.

So, ask youself: Are you happy now?
If not, you need to reevaluate your belief-system, because that is the only thing that is holding you back in life.

Dare to dream.
Dare to fly.
I dare you to try...
Something new and feel the wind beneath your wings.

You are what you think you are.
And everyone's a rockstar.

That is, if they think they are.

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