Monday, July 18, 2011

Where. Do you go.

When the night falls, and the shadows grow long, and there is nothing to distract you.
But the sounds of silence.

I love that timespan from dusk til midnight, when everything is silent. There are no blinding lights for you to lose sight.  The hush has come to an end. It is like time stands still.

And you watch the summer-breeze play in the trees. It's like there is this gap in time - the day has not come to a definite end, and tomorrow has yet to come. 
It is in this timespan that dreams come true. 
It is in this gap, when everything has yet to begin again, that decisions are made and new beginnings arise with dawn.

It is in this timespan that you can breathe, and yet you are breathless. 
Happiness is being who you are meant to be.
Disappearing into that moment.  Just be.
It is in this timespan that your ego and everything out of this world that is ephemeral matters not.
It is then, that you can listen to the sounds of silence if you listen very carefully, then you will hear the whispers that tell you where to go when you feel lost in translation.

Just be. In that moment. There are no boundaries but those that you set yourself in your mind.
Just let go of yourself. And be. Who you are meant to be. Embrace it. And you'll never have to struggle with not fitting into a shoe that is not the right fit and never will be.

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