Monday, June 6, 2011

James Bond's got it. Do you?

What is STYLE worth without SUBSTANCE?


Style without substance is, in my humble opinion, the very definition of ugly.
What's the point of a shell that tricks you into thinking there is more than there really is.
It is a trick. A mind game if you will.
It's like a push-up bra - giving you the illusion of something grande, yet when the curtain falls, so to speak, you are left with nothing.
It is those who have been raised and praised for their looks their entire life that end up never developing other skills; so whenever they open their mouth to speak, it makes you cringe and wish that they'd just follow the adage "shut up and look pretty", knowing that in ten years, age will have caught up with them, and another pretty, younger face ready to take over. Their shell is threatened by time.

James Bond being the very definition of an icon who masters style & substance, and thus he is timeless.

Those who do not master the art of style & substance end up as shells. Shells so empty and hollow; so easily crushed.
Shells that are void of substance will always end up being crushed under pressure.

Style and substance. It is a balancing act.
Can you handle it?

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