Wednesday, June 8, 2011

George Clooney's Secret to Fatal Attraction is Confidence in Motion...


Just how I like my coffee. 
What else?

Now these may all very well be traits that apply to George as well, but what enables him to top the charts of most desirable males year after year is his confidence: His ability to exude that he is comfortable in his own skin through and through. 

There is something incredibly innocent in his uncanny ability to assume that him simply showing up is just adorable. 
And that is part of his secret to fatal attraction: He is emotionally naked and thoroughly comfortably in his own skin. It's a sensation that rubs off on those he surrounds himself with.
Everyone aims to be comfortable in their own skin, and whomever can make you feel comfortable in your skin, will be attractive in your eyes.

This fact is also why you will typically like to be around someone who shares your overall values in life, but can help to either take the edge off your tendency to be overly perfectionistic and Type A personality or push you to perform and organize your messiness depending on what you need. 

It is all about balance in life and learning to not push yourself towards your own extremist tendencies - whether they be obsessive perfectionistic, or you tend to enjoy the easy life to the point that you can't commit and  follow through when it matters. Both personality traits which are equally unappealing and self-destructive. Understanding your own personality traits is key to lasting friendships and relationships.

 That, and feeling comfortable in this skin.

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