Thursday, November 10, 2011

Food allergies: The underlying cause of food addiction?

Research has shown that ingesting compounds that we are unable to fully digest promotes opioid in the brain - this is not news under the sun and is backed by solid peer reviewed studies - thus it is not surprising that many with celiac disease (prior to diagnosis and abstaining from gluten - in addition to needing to stay away from casein a1 as this is biochemically similar in structure) often binge and describe their relationship with bread and cow's milk (casein a1; exception being milk from Guernsay cows as this is a2 casein - as is goat's and buffalo's milk) as " addictive" (food addiction as defined by the Yale Food Addiction Scale).

Considering the increasing rate of eating disorders both amongst females and males in all age groups, it is key as a health care practitioner to be aware of biochemically triggering compounds based on each individual client's genetic make-up, in addition to psychological aspects that need treatment via CBT. When the biology is stable, emotional aspects and psychological blockers become clear and can thus better be treated as that.
Join The Nutrition Doctor's group here to follow the discussion.

Teschemacher H. Opioid receptors ligands derived from food proteins. Curr Pharm Des. 2003;9(16):1331-44.

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