Friday, October 7, 2011

What Dreams Are Made Of...

The salty water on my lips.
The scratched skin where the coral reef reached out to touch.
The stains on the carpet from where the red wine kissed.
Fragility.... torn skin. 
Timelessness... memories that live on forever. 
Like sand that rub against your skin... reminding you.
Moments that find their way into our dreams.
Life... reach out and touch it.
It's yours to grab.
Before the morning light hits...
And there are so many things we got to do.
Or maybe... in this space, we get to choose.
What really matters.
What makes you smile.
And that is all.
In the end that is everything.
If you want it bad enough.
It is yours - the moment, the place, the space.
Just reach out and grab it.

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