Friday, September 9, 2011

The Nutrition Doctor's Secrets of Anti-Aging No 1: pH Balance

Santini Skin Solutions™ Feed your skin because your skin eats too!
When it comes to looking and feeling young it is a balancing act; the most important being ph balance. PH stands for "potential of hydrogen" - that is, the measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a substance.
The scale devised by a Danish chemist in the early 1900s, ranges from 0, which is highly acidic, to 14, which is the most alkaline. Seven, the pH of water, is neutral. The human body maintains such a specific balance between acidity and alkalinity that an off-kilter pH might be connected to a host of unhealthy woes, ranging from dry, rapidly aging skin to acne, inflammation, and even fatigue, weight gain, and susceptibility to disease.

Most of us have heard about the importance of an alkaline diet - however, what you apply to your skin needs to be slightly acidic to prevent DNA damage and combat fine lines! Understanding the triggers diet wise and skin care wise as well as the different requirements is the first and most important step to gain a youthful appearance naturally.

Externally pH plays a fundamental role in the skin's barrier, called the acid mantle, which is formed by secretions from sweat and sebaceous glands as well as the breakdown of fatty acids by beneficial microflora. This barrier keeps lipids and moisture in and pollutants and bacteria out. The acid mantle is as its strongest when the skin is slightly acidic with an optimum pH of 5.5. An acid environment inhibits bacterial growth - those that suffer from acne typically have too alkaline skin pH, which is why it is an absolute disaster to use regular soap as this further makes for an imbalanced pH.  Soap bars typically have a pH of 9; leaving an alkaline residue of film on your skin. In order to combat acne you must use a skincare line that supports an acid skin pH.

When it comes to fighting wrinkles alkalinity is also a key player - a study published in British Journal of Dermatology by Greg Hillebrand, pHD, of P&G Beauty Science, showed that women with an alkaline stratum corneum developed more fine lines than those with acidic skin over an eight-year period; an alkaline epidermis tends to be more brittle and drier than an acidic one. In addition, alkaline skin is more susceptible to sun damage as its protective barrier has been weakened!

This simple principle is what makes The Nutrition Doctor's all-natural so-clean-you-could-eat-it skin care line so efficient for both acne prone skin and in preventing fine lines (DNA damage) by high ORAC value and its pH balancing properties.

Right now The Nutrition Doctor in the Kitchen is making Bright & Balanced Skin Toner - stay tuned for the DIY recipe next week!

All of Santini Skin Solutions™ are hand-churned, made in small batches and based on the pH principle and that, if you can't eat it, don't feed it to your skin!
In combination with a session with The Nutrition Doctor we also offer to customize and develop your own personal skin care line so that it meets exactly your needs and match your biochemistry type!

Contact us for more information.


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