Thursday, July 7, 2011

Like me, please like me.

She's so nice. Yes, everyone can agree on that. She never says anything bad (to your face at least...). So why is it that these very nice, seemingly harmless people are the ones who end up stabbing you in the back?
Because they are superficial nice. And their niceness is based on pretension - suffering from chronic nice-girl syndrome is rooted in egocentrism and vanity. Their need to be liked by everyone is driven by insecurity: Not knowing who they are - who they really are, when they are all alone. And that is why these people are social butterflies - they need to drown themselves in others approval because without it, they are left with nothing. So they go about their life and do the things they are expected to do. They never question their ways or motives, because they are so disconnected from themselves and their values are based on others. 

So what frightens these traditionalists? Anyone or anything that strays from the norm, from the game they are participating in. Because surely, everyone must play according to the rules. Rules they never dare question or rebel from as sick or outdated as these rules may be - they will follow them blindly, because without them they fear, they are nothing (world war 2 ring a bell?). Alone they are worthless - weak copy-cat beings adding no value, and deep inside they know it. Thus, it makes them angry when they see anyone going out of the norm, regardless of the obvious fact that they too have the freedom to choose the way they want to live their life. Instead they choose to project their own unhappiness and despair; the easy way out instead of taking ownership.

These people eventually end up in dead-end relationships, bitter and resentful. And to think that all along they had the power within them to choose to LIVE and not simply be alive.

It is a choice that every human must face. The longer you postpone it, the more you will end up regretting it. A great man once said : “Suffering is proportional to our resistance to change, and happiness is proportional to our ability to embrace change”. This man was Thom Knoles, one of the world’s leading exponents of Vedic Knowledge. In such a simple line, he has covered the basis for nearly all of the suffering on the entire planet. What I am about to say may be quite confronting for some. Suffering or happiness is something you can choose to experience.

Owning up to your own life and how it unravels is empowering and enables you to make a different choice that takes you down the path towards a life that is rich and rewarding and fulfills your inner desires.

Now go for it! You only regret what you didn't do in life.

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