Saturday, July 23, 2011

Amy Winehouse: Another one bites the dust.

Only 27 and today she was found dead in her London apartment.

Amy Winehouse has been struggling with drug, alcohol and food addiction for years; a deadly combination that sooner or later will lead to cardiac arrest. Ultimately, a lot of eating disorders and addictions cause heart attacks - which is then noted down as the primary death cause. But whenever someone below 50 years of age dies from a sudden heart attack, you have to look into their lifestyle more thoroughly - few young people have a weak heart, if not abusing some sort of substance or suffering from eating disorders; so many deaths are being misinterpreted and thus the statistics of how many young people actually die from their addictive behaviors are still in the gray zone.
Amy Winehouse is scheduled for autopsy tomorrow.

Amy Winehouse dead by 27. Killed by addiction.
If only she had known that the reason why she could not cut the chains of addiction by sheer willpower is due to severe brain chemical imbalances; and if those are not addressed via nutrient and amino acid therapy, every stint in rehab is doomed to fail, as she will constantly have the urge to self-medicate on drugs/alcohol to stabilize her mood temporarily.

For more info on how to rebalance brain chemical imbalances and how we can help you if you are struggling with an addiction contact us.


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