Friday, June 3, 2011

How Victoria's Secret Marisa Miller remains sane: Surfing

Do you remember...?

What passion feels like.
The tingling sensation of rain hitting your skin.
The rays of the sun caressing your soul.

Do you remember what it feels like when everything flows.
Nothing really matters.
Do you remember what happiness feels like.
Do you remember what motivates you in life.
Do you remember what LIFE feels like?

Or did you lose yourself and your values along the way...

Everyone needs a crotch in life. Everyone needs something to fall back on when times are tough. Everyone needs that wake-up call that reminds them what truly matters in life.
Because we are only human and lest we forget our humble needs and human shortcomings we stand to fall.

The key is to choose a crotch that is not self-destructive. One that reconnects us with our inner values and call in life.

Being one with nature, experiencing how small I am compared to how grande everything that God created keeps me sane. Surfing keeps me sane.
Does your crotch in life keep you sane or add to insanity?

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