Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Sweetness of South Carolina.

South Carolina is one of my favorite Spring destinations to get lost in when the flowers blossom. The birds fondly chirp in the morning mist, while wrapping you in the sweetest embrace of pink hues and inhaling the intoxicating breeze from a new season, a new beginning... A new chance to let go, take that leap of faith where the mere anticipation makes you dizzy with fear, hope and something that you don't know quite yet how to express with words... something yet to be said, done and felt. Just hoping that your wings have grown strong enough to carry you through... maybe, perhaps... yes, it feels right.

This time, the time is right. And you watch as the townhouses turn into dollhouses, and the Southern belles walk to church all dressed up in their turquoise pretty pumps and tiny dogs.

The best time to grab your bags and go, is the Jazz festival in May. There is nothing to do but wander around and get lost in the cute-as-a-button dollhouse charm of Charleston, listen to jazz, drink a glass of chilled white with your fried fish and clams. Go from one art gallery to the next. Lay barefoot in the tall grass and watch the butterflies and sip sweet tea in one of the many gorgeous gardens.

I adore the sweetness of South Carolina like the sweet tea that I savor every last drop of on those hot, hot Southern afternoons hiding in the shade beneath the oak tree.

Photography Copyright GypsyTalesTM - All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. A'Ho - Amen! Enjoy the journey... breath deeply... take in the healing... feel it fill your body and soul! Good Mental Health! Thomas
