Wednesday, March 7, 2012

YOGA babes keep their cool by boosting GABA!

You can still get your eye-candy fix by winding down 
with yoga after work instead of those Martinis.

A study conducted by researcher Chris Streeter, MD, from Boston University School of Medicine (Massachusetts) published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, a peer-reviewed journal, found a direct correlation with yoga and the communicator in your brain that acts like Xanax on your central nervous system!
In Streeter’s 12-week study, a group of 34 randomly selected physically and psychologically healthy young men and women were divided into two groups, one that walked for an hour three times a week and one that practiced Iyengar yoga for the same amount of time.
At four-week intervals, Streeter used a technique known as magnetic resonance spectroscopy to monitor subjects’ levels of a brain chemical called gamma-amino butyric acid, or GABA, elevated levels of which are associated with improved mood and decreased anxiety. She found that the yoga group reported a greater boost in mood than the walking group, with GABA levels matching those improvements. The study is the first to demonstrate the GABA-mood-yoga connection by looking at actual changes in the brain.
Loving Victoria's Secret cute-as-a-button yoga pants.
Candy cane multi stripes, $40

So here's one more reason to stretch out after work rather than having those after-work drinks, which people low on GABA are especially drawn towards to help them wind down. Just remember that alcohol BLOCKS GABA receptors along with disabling you from reaching those deep layers of REM sleep where you rebuild your brain; and thus you set yourself up for a cycle of chronic stress where sedatives become your addiction of choice.

Streeter et al. Yoga Assana Sessions Increase Brain Gaba Levels. THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 13, Number 4, 2007, pp. 419–426

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