Thursday, March 1, 2012

Your Health: Understanding Conflicts of Interests in Medicine

There is big money in keeping you sick, fat and depressed.
Trust is vital when choosing your health care practitioner.
New York Times recently published a great article that explains the importance of finding a health care practitioner that is not bribed by the pharmaceutical industry and thus has your health interests as her core focus rather than wallet.

Be wise when choosing whom to trust with your health, for some people it is more worth having you sick and going to them for symptom management. And what about the meds you are taking? If you are working with someone with financial interests in the pharma then more likely than not, what you are being prescribed is not based on efficacy but the commission that that person gets from prescribing it to you!
At best it's worthless meds you are being prescribed, but often meds such as Statins could kill you: Statins have statistically been shown to lead to a higher death rate, simply due to the fact that this medication inhibits the body's production of CoQ10 (vital for your heart muscle) along with suppressing the inflammation marker that cholesterol is, but does NOT treat the underlying cause of elevated LDL and thus the inflammation persists!

Please repeat and read this again, and let it sink in til you really understand this!

Cholesterol is you body's defense mechanism against inflammation - yes, I'll repeat it a million times: It's the inflammation you want to target NOT the marker and defense mechanism!
And that's why people on Statins typically have ongoing issues with their other inflammation markers still being high such as c-reactive protein, homocysteine etc.

Read the entire article in The New York Times here.


Benefits of High Cholesterol
By Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD ~ People with high cholesterol live the longest. High Cholesterol Protects Against Infection. Is Atherosclerosis an Infectious Disease? 

Cholesterol Levels & Cardiovascular Disease
By Duane Graveline, MD MPH ~ Despite the glowing reports statin drugs receive in the press for their risk reduction in stroke and heart attack, strong evidence exists that they do so independently of cholesterol manipulation despite the past 35 years of vilification of this substance. 

Cholesterol Myths
By Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD ~ Exposing the fallacy that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease. 

Medical Journal of Australia
This article is early 2004 and the benefits of controlling homocysteine is becoming more evident daily. There is no safe level of Hcy but optimal levels are <6.3 mg/dL.

Life Extension article ~ Updated: 01/20/06
Both cardiovascular and Alzheimer's disease have now been linked to the accumulation of a toxic amino acid called homocysteine.

Homocysteine Metabolism:
Nutritional Modulation and Impact on Health and Disease
By Alan L. Miller, N.D. and Gregory S. Kelly, N.D.
Is atherosclerosis caused by high cholesterol?
By Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD ~ The role of LDL-cholesterol for atherosclerosis growth has been exaggerated, a finding with consequences for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

LDL Cholesterol: "Bad" Cholesterol, or Bad Science?
By Anthony Colpo ~ Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons - Fall 2005

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