Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nobody's perfect. But 'it'.

Forget airbrushing - now there's H&M's computer created fake models.
This is just ridiculous. I'm really not even going to waste time writing about just how distasteful it is that H&M now creates body perfection via computer.
Yes - these models above are completely fake, created by what is supposedly the ideal by a computer.

No doubt this is great biz for the plastic-fantastic surgeons. 
Currently I am working out of Miami, a city obsessed with perfecting the shell, it is sad to see the amount of plastic that many succumb to in a desperate attempt to fill the hollow void within themselves, instead of working on gaining self-recpect and thereby a STRONG mind in a STRONG body! You will not emotionally overeat or fill your body with junk food if you have self-respect - it's NOT about fanaticism; rather it's about reaching a healthy balance body, mind and soul!

Self-respect leads to a hot body (and even more importantly: a wholesome soul)! 
However, starting the other way around: completely changing mother-nature out of lack of self-respect leads to a deep despair and disconnection from your soul. 

Yesterday, I was standing in line at some Starbucks here in South Beach... lost in thought... and then yet suddenly something caught my attention. The scent of blood. You can smell it when people are obsessed with only changing their shell because they are still hollow inside. You can smell it like an animal that's wounded. 
And that always makes me very.. very sad to see.

And that way of faking perfection via computer creation of mother-nature is a disgrace to say the least. And it adds to further disconnection from body, mind and soul.

We can have it all, if we just start with filling the void first and then the wrapping is a piece of cake... pun intended.

But this ad... well... Shame! Shame on you H&M!

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