Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Is your baby allergic to breast-milk?

Your baby needs those medium chain 
fatty acids found in abundance in breastmilk.
Everything you eat passes right over 
into your breastmilk,
and thus you're feeding it to your baby too!
Know that regular dairy products rich in casein a1 
cannot be digested by humans 
and contributes to colic in infants!
A lot of people who go gluten free also go on a casein free diet.  Casein is a dairy protein most often associated with cow’s milk consumption.  Gluten/casein free diet (GFCF) is often recommended by holistic practitioners for parents who have children with autism, ADD, and ADHD.  Many of these children tend to see improvement when going gluten free and see additional improvement removing casein.
Now breastfeeding moms are being told that their babies are allergic to their breast-milk - and as a result end up giving them poor milk substitutes that do little to build up a developing brain, unfortunately.

Meaning, you can still inactivate genes of disease later and build health, but had you been given a good fundament, you wouldn't be as vulnerable to triggers.

A child is only allergic to breast-milk, if the mother's diet is rich in casein a1 dairy products as this molecule enters into the breast-milk - one of the biggest contributors to colic in infants. The key is for the mother to eat no dairy or raw dairy from guernsey cows (most other breeds produce casein a1 milk - humans cannot digest well, and it's linked to heart disease).

So get to know your cow!

ReferenceJ Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2012 Jul-Sep;26(3 Suppl):39-42.

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