Friday, April 26, 2013

Creating your life the way you want it.

"People talk about the reality of their life as if it is important. And we want you to understand, it's only the temporary indicator. Do you go to the gas station-your gas gauge is on empty-do you go to the gas station and look at your gas gauge in horror? "How did this happen? Why, why, why did this happen to me?" Do you lay your head on the steering wheel and just sob? "Oh, look what it's come to. I'm finished. I've lived all of this life, and look where I am." Or do you just fill up?"
- Esther Abraham-Hicks, is a best-selling author and motivational speaker

I love, LOVE, loooove this no-nonsense approach to taking responsibility for your own life, happiness etc. Once we understand that there is no outer circumstance that matters, we are able to choose how to react and how every situation impacts us in the future. Creating habits that bring out the best in us, or habits that slowly destroy us from the inside out.  And that is all that matters in the end. Sure, we can't control the external, and painful events come and go to everyone on different times, different levels, and some more visible to the bystander than others. 

However, too often we get caught in trying to want to be someone else. Someone who portrays an image of perfection. Of having it all. Only to some day to discover, that they too cried at night - feeling that they lived a life of fakeness, of having it all, yet they were not happy beings. And you read in the newspaper how so and so "suddenly" couldn't take it anymore - all the lies, and so they decided in a frantic moment to end their miseries. 

And this is the same for everyone. The pain of disconnection. The pain of trying to be something we're not. The pain of fighting the laws of the universe. The pain of pretending.

Pain is not limited to those with few finances, toxic relationships, or even the pain of a starving kid on the streets of Marrakech. Every life has its struggles, and that is why the moment we stop comparing ourselves to others, and stop wishing we are something, that we're not, and instead embrace the person that God has created us to be, we can live a life that is limitless to the human mind. We are not stuck in this toxic place of envy, jealousy and bitterness, because basically those feelings only come into our lives when we refuse to take responsibility for our behaviors, and we step down that one-way highway to hell that is, victimization.

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