Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stop the whining already!

One thing that really bogles my mind is people who choose to whine and complain about their misfortune in life.

It's as if they want to emphasize that the cards they have been given are just so much worse than anyone else's and that life is just so very unfair. Please!

Even if that were true, so what? And most often it is not true; fact is that you just don't know every other card that other people have been dealt, so their struggles in life may not be visible to you. And really, this shouldn't matter anyway - in the end, you are you, and you only have yourself to be accountable to when all is said and done. Can you look yourself in the mirror at night and be proud of what you see? If not, it's time to change your game. Yes, my friend it really is - because nothing good comes from self-hatred. You're going to attract a lot of douche bags into your life and suffer a lot of misfortune if you lack basic self-respect. And no one with self-respect will allow oneself to sit there like another brat and throw a fit.

People who are winners are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they simply understand the game of life and choose to play their part instead of standing by on the sideline complaining about the players.

Only people who are afraid of greatness choose to stand by and whine about those who risk and participate. Criticizing every little flaw and misstep.
Stop wasting your life on hating
- it's tearing you apart and slowly eating you up from inside.
Is that really what you want in life?
And it's pathetic, along with being a very nasty trait. Life is tough enough as it is that we really should focus on helping each other excel instead of secretly hoping they fail so that we can feel better mopping around in our own insecurity and misery (yes, that's why we looove love to see Britney's weight gain and Angelina's drug use plastered on the front page of the gossip magazines, isn't it).

We all have unique abilities we just have to care for them and to choose to participate rather than being a passive bystander, tearing others' efforts apart when all we ourselves add to this world is negativity, spending most of our so-called work-time gossiping and eating doughnuts. Imagine what you could use that time on if you decided to feel passionate about something for once in your sorry life. Imagine all those minutes - well, hours isn't it (yes, bear with me here, I too have a streak of ADD, why hours spent on gossip seems like a lifetime for me) - that you are busy stalking your exes and those girlfriends of yours that you secretly envy on Facebook - imagine using that time building your dreams - whatever they may be. All you have to do is to take that first step... yes it seems a mountain at first, and that's why you must break it into smaller achievable and measurable steps. And THAT my friend, is what makes a winner.

The choice is yours!

Life is short, choose your destiny, be your own carpenter of life and get inspired by other people to risk solid ground and go after your dreams!

Stop sitting there and whining over why life is not handing you more on a silver plate - you're not 5 years anymore so step up to the plate and you will find deep satisfaction in taking charge of your life and reaping the results that go with it!

But also know that yes, you will fail. You will get rejected and you will fail a million times.
That's just a risk you have to be willing to pay to achieve your peak potential in life. You do not get anything worth having for free. You just have to understand that there is nothing shameful in losing everything and starting over again and again. And again.

The more you get used to trying... and falling, the better you learn to recover and then suddenly you figure out the right way that leads to the top.
And there is no way in hell you will get to the top at the first attempt. Most of us give it perhaps one try max and then rationalize our failure with "well, I guess I just wasn't cut for it".
That's nonsense.

Unless you're living in a cartoon, you have to perfect your skills and experience in life a zillion times before you get where you want to be. It's not about luck, brilliance or super skills in as much as it as about persistance. And that's why most of us end up with our 9-5 jobs, married to someone whom we barely recognize anymore, eating doughnuts at our desks while whining about our jobs, kids, the weather and hating our neighbor for having less cellulite. We choose this dead life, because we are lazy dogs. But being lazy leads to regret and pain in never having experienced the flavors of life - never having connected with our call in life. Never having really connected on a soul level with another human being, because we ourselves are disconnected from who we are and what we want.

Never give up. Never settle. Never think you are not worth it.

Continue walking, running, crawling, climbing... just keep moving!

If you can dream it... yes, you can achieve it!

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