Saturday, January 14, 2012

When the night has come and the land is dark...

My favourite place: Watching the sun set at Laguna Beach, California

No, I won't be afraid.

It's amazing how many of our troubles are all in our imagination. We have so much (if you are able to read this in English, and thus have access to a laptop... then yes, consider yourself privileged), yet many of us just can't figure out how to be satisfied... and that the more we pick up the pace on life's treadmill, the faster we go... the less we savour the moment.

And right now is all we will ever have.

There is something about certain songs that just resonate with your very being and everything you aim to be and wish for in life.
I remember standing at a Whole Foods late one night mindlessly grabbing some yogurts when this song came on and I began humming to it as did the guy next to me. How awesome is that? Standing in a supermarket late at night and people actually begin to sing because a song comes on!

This is probably my favourite song - so simple, and yet exactly therin lies its strength.

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