Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It's funny how we hope - against all odds that we some day will discover something that is forever.
It is as if something is carved in our backbone - something that is so deeply ingrained in our body but a distant memory of a forever. Something that we remember yet we are not quite sure what it feels like.

What it tastes like. What it looks like.

So we search.

And search. In bars. On the bottom of whiskey bottles, trazodone, painkillers and empty pints of ice cream. Behind closed doors. The search continues on. Until we realize that nothing can satisfy the void. The hunger our starved souls have for something that will last foever. Something that will go against all odds, narrow minds and against the fragility of our thin skin that tends to break under pressure, leaving scars that last almost forever.


Nothing is forever but change.

Changing paces. places, spaces and faces.

And yet, somehow in the depth of our soul there is something that feels like it will last forever.

Something that is forever when we recognize that nothing of that which can be touched with the tips of our fingers is forever, yet something that will touch our soul in some way may just be what will in fact last forever.

I believe some things are forever. Some things are meant to be forever. Some things that are to be found in the depth of our soul. Perhaps, maybe, someday.

Sunset, Venice Beach, Cali 2013
Photo from my Eat+Travel book.

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