Monday, May 27, 2013

Your Brain On Sugar - the legal coke?

The reason we love the sweet, fatty ice cream is due to the spike in beta-endorfines - acting like natural painkillers. The very picture of this food invokes a dopamine response, so that the addictive anticipation of the high already starts when flipping through the cook book, looking at the commercial, or passing by the ice cream shop.

You can, however, rebalance your brain chemistry so that your addictive response is not out of your control anymore.

All you need is to be strongwilled - just say no. Saying no doesn't work when you are fighting an imbalanced brain chemistry - it is like driving a car without brakes; you just can't stop (the craving).

Watch Dr. Nora Volkow explain the biology of food addiction vs. drug addiction on CBS 60 minutes.

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